29th Jul 2020

3 Facts about Yorkshire Day You Definitely Didn’t Know

3 Facts about Yorkshire Day You Definitely Didn’t Know

It’s that time of the year again, one of our favourite dates in the Yorkshire pudding calendar – Yorkshire Day! We kickstarted celebrations with 12 days of back-to-back giveaways on our Facebook page, giving away tons of Yorkshire themed prizes. But now you’ve entered the giveaways, it’s time to blow your mind with some Yorkshire Day facts! 😎


There’s a declaration of Yorkshireness. Yeah, really.

It sounds somewhat absurd, but there really is a declaration Yorkshire day goers read every year. Rumour has it that all our employees have to take the oath, with our factory being based in Thorne, South Yorkshire. 

If you’re truly all about Yorkshire, repeat after us!

“I, (name), being a resident of the [West/North/East] Riding of Yorkshire [or City of York] declare:

That Yorkshire is three Ridings and the City of York, with these Boundaries of 1134 years standing;

That the address of all places in these Ridings is Yorkshire;

That all persons born therein or resident therein and loyal to the Ridings are Yorkshiremen and women;

That any person or corporate body which deliberately ignores or denies the aforementioned shall forfeit all claim to Yorkshire status.

These declarations made this Yorkshire Day 2020. God Save the Queen!”


A different Yorkshire town hosts the event every year.


The location of huge events changes on a yearly basis – think the World Cup, Olympics, and the Euros. But one even more important event changes town every year too – yup, you guessed it, Yorkshire Day. 

Past hosts include Bradford, Harrogate, and Whitby, whilst this year’s event will be hosted in the bustling town of Rotherham! Expect plenty of parkin, Yorkshire flags, and Ilkley Moor Baht’at being sung out! 

A Yorkshire-themed world record was broken on Yorkshire Day in 2018



This one sounds like we made it up, but we promise we didn’t! Back in 2018, a world record was broken at Kirkgate Market in Leeds, and we’re sure you won’t be able to guess what the record is for…

Ready for the answer? On this day, the record for the most people wearing flat caps simultaneously was broken in the market, with over 400 Yorkshiremen and women wearing a flat cap. Picture that!


Want to celebrate Yorkshire Day the right way? Grab our gluten free Yorkshire puds at Waitrose, Asda, Morrisons, Ocado, or now Sainsbury’s!